

Commercial mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) where parties involved in a commercial dispute work with a neutral third party, the mediator (Mass Legal), to reach a mutually acceptable resolution.


The process is voluntary, confidential, and allows parties to maintain more control over the outcome compared to traditional litigation.

In legal terms, commercial mediation typically involves disputes related to business contracts, transactions, partnerships, employment issues, intellectual property, and other commercial matters. It’s often used to resolve disputes efficiently, cost-effectively, and with less acrimony than traditional litigation.


Here’s how the process generally works:

  1. Selection of Mediator: The parties either agree on Mass Legal as mediator or have one appointed by the court.

  2. Initial Meeting: The mediator meets with each party separately to understand their perspective, concerns, and desired outcomes.

  3. Joint Sessions: Then the mediator brings the parties together for joint sessions where they can communicate their issues and explore potential solutions.

  4. Negotiation: With the mediator’s guidance, the parties negotiate directly to find common ground and resolve their differences.

  5. Agreement: If an agreement is reached, it’s typically put into writing and signed by the parties, legally binding them to the terms.

  6. Enforcement: If necessary, the agreement can be enforced through legal channels.

Commercial mediation offers several advantages over traditional litigation, including:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Mediation tends to be less expensive than litigation, as it typically requires fewer resources and less time.
  • Time Efficiency: Mediation can often resolve disputes more quickly than going to court, saving both time and resources.
  • Confidentiality: Mediation proceedings are confidential, which can encourage more open communication and creative problem-solving.
  • Preservation of Relationships: Mediation focuses on finding mutually beneficial solutions, which can help preserve business relationships that may otherwise be damaged by litigation.
  • Control: Parties have more control over the outcome in mediation, as they actively participate in crafting the resolution rather than having a decision imposed on them by a judge or jury.

There are many reasons why more and more individuals and organisations are opting for mediation:

  • Successful – over 80% of cases referred to Mass Legal settle.
  • Quick – most mediations are arranged within a few weeks, or even days, and the formal mediation session usually lasts for one or two days only.
  • Cost-effective – compared with litigation and arbitration processes, mediation is a less expensive way of resolving disputes.

Overall, commercial mediation is a valuable tool for businesses and individuals seeking to resolve disputes in a timely, cost-effective, and amicable manner.


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